It’s as easy as
1, 2, 3!
Fill out the simple form below as best as you can. If you’re not sure about a question, don’t worry! We’ll reach out to you after you submit and we’ll figure out the answer together.
Pay the state filing fees.
Sit back and relax and let AL Lemon do the rest!
After this form is submitted and the fees are paid, it normally takes 3-4 days to get your business registered and EIN.
* We have provided notes to guide you through the form. If you're viewing this on your phone, the notes will be at the bottom of the page.
Why do you need my social security number?
Your EIN is a tax ID number for your business. This protects you and creates separation between your assets and your business. The IRS requires the business owner’s SSN.
Mailing Address
This can be your company's physical address, or even your home address, if you prefer. But just a heads up! As soon as you're registered with the state, start expecting lots of advertisements in the mail.
This address will be different than the address of your registered agent. which we explain further down.
Almost all businesses are “member-managed”.
If you still feel uncertain, leave this question blank and we’ll connect with you to help you make the right choice.
Registered Agent?!
A registered agent is someone in charge of legal documents and correspondence with the government about your business. You can be your own registered agent but it is not recommended. AL Lemon registered agent services are $75/year, and we will send you same-day scanned copies of any important correspondence. You are free to choose any registered agent service you'd like.
Don’t forget to hit the green “SUBMIT” button!
Step 1 is complete! (yay)
Next, we’ll take care of the filing fees. Just click the button below!